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As soon as the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, millions of Americans will lose billions of dollars in dental insurance benefits without even being aware of it. Most dental insurance plans have a deadline at the end of the calendar year, so if you haven’t used all your benefits, you’ll lose them. Let’s talk about why it’s important to use your dental benefits before 2024 arrives.

Meet Your Yearly Maximum

An important number to know in order to save money would be your yearly maximum. This is the highest dollar amount that your insurance company will pay for your dental care during the calendar year. Usually, this is around $1,000. The key is to reach this number to get the most out of your dental benefits.

Pay Your Deductible

Your deductible is the amount of money you have to pay out-of-pocket before your insurance company steps in and covers your care. Once you pay your deductible, it’s good for the rest of the year. Just like your yearly maximum, your deductible also resets at the beginning of the year. This is why if you’ve already met it this year, now is the perfect time to seek any treatment you need.

Start Procedures Now

Overlapping your treatment through different years may actually be able to save you money. If you have expensive procedures that you need done, you could start them before the end of the year and finish them afterwards.

Get Your Money’s Worth

If you’re already paying your dental premiums, it seems silly to not cash in on your benefits, right? Even if you don’t need dental work done, you should still see your dentist at least once every six months. That way you can get a routine cleaning, and your dentist can check for early signs of gum disease, cavities, and oral cancer. Preventive visits like this are normally covered 100% by your insurance.

Get Dental Issues Fixed

Putting off dental work is a lot easier than getting it dealt with. However, avoiding needed dental work can put you at a higher risk for more extensive and costly procedures in the future. For example, a tiny cavity could turn into a more expensive root canal or even a tooth extraction down the road if you don’t seek treatment. That’s why you should always see your dentist twice a year to maximize your insurance benefits.

Now that you know how to make the most of your benefits, it’s time you schedule an appointment with your dentist. Your mouth and your wallet will thank you!

About the Author

Dr. D. Michael Miller, or Dr. Mike, has a career in dentistry that spans almost a quarter of a century. After graduating from Baylor College of Dentistry, he moved to San Antonio to practice dentistry with his father, Dr. Dennis Miller. Dr. Mike’s practice is happy to process claims for your insurance provider, whether or not you’re in-network. To find out, contact Dr. Mike at 210-341-3181.